About CounterfeitsGBP

 Hi, we are CounterfeitsGBP, a British run counterfeiting group. We only make one type of note, the £20 note. Why is that? Well:

  • The £20 note has a high value (around $25 USD or €23 EUR).

  • It is easier to make one note, we have perfected the art of making these notes.

  • The £20 note doesn’t have a high enough value to be scrutinised by the average shop worker.

  • The £5 and £10 notes have lower profit margins for us and you.

  • A £20 can be used to buy a small amount of stuff, a chocolate bar etc and be changed into genuine money.

  • There aren’t any other genuine vendors of GBP from the UK (that I have come across).

CounterfeitsGBP counterfeitsgbp@safe-mail.net
© 2012-2024